Domain Name: The address of an Internet site, ie:

Email Channeling: Email channeling services allow you to have several 'alias' email addresses, for example: sales@yourdomain as well as info@yourdomain and any other addresses you like, while having them go to the account(s) you check regularly.

Hosting: Providing space on Internet servers for the storage of websites which can be accessed by others on the Internet.

IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol; a protocol for retrieving email messages.

MB: Megabyte; A unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to one million bytes.

POP: Post Office Protocol; a protocol used to retrieve email from a mail server.

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; The standard email protocol on the Internet. SMTP servers route SMTP messages throughout the Internet to a mail server that provides a message store for incoming email.

Search Engine: A website whose primary function is searching for information available on the Internet. A commonly used search engine is Google.